No upfront costs. No minimums.
After your event, we send you an invoice in the amount of 7% of the total donations received through our website, up to a maximum of $1,195.
Standard credit card processing fees (that don't come from us).
When your donors pay by credit card, the processor deducts a standard fee of 49 cents per transaction plus 1.99% (for non-profits) of the transaction amount. These fees do not apply to donations made by cash or check.
The $1,195 fee cap means that, as you raise more, the percentage of fundraising earnings that you keep increases. Use the Comparison Slider below to estimate how much you'll raise, and keep, with PledgeStar vs. the competition, keeping in mind that you keep 100% of pledges made by cash or check. Simply adjust the sliders to your estimated total amount raised.
With Pledgestar: $350
With anyone Anyone
else: $350